So I have a problem. My friend is getting married on Saturday, May 21st. I kinda want to go to his wedding. E3 is the 17th - 20th. My company is taking me to E3. So I could skip out of the last day of E3 and fly from LA. Oh, the wedding is in Hawaii. And Lindsey's birthday is on May 26th. It seems silly to go to Hawaii late on Friday only the catch the wedding on Saturday. I wouldn't get to see my friend at all except during the ceremony. And I'd probably have to fly to San Francisco to pick up Lindsey to fly out. I pretty sure that I don't want to go to Hawaii alone. May I could make a vacation out of it. Ok, how's this for a plan:
- Flight to LA on Monday.
- Go to E3 on Tuesday and Wednesday
- On Friday, either I flight to San Francisco or Lindsey Flights to LA, which ever makes more sense in the non-sensible airline fee way.
- Still on Friday, we flight together to Hawaii.
- Go to the wedding on Saturday
- Spend the week in Hawaii
- Take Lindsey out to a fancy Dinner on her birthday
- Fly home Sunday
Lindsey and I are already going to Hawaii in October. I suppose that will be Kawaii and this will be Honolulu. Those are like two totally different places right?
Weddings are totally whacked. The couple throws the biggest party of their life and invites all their friends from all over to come. Friends fly in but the couple is totally busy the few days before because of planning everything. Then they get married in a really peculiar but traditional ceremony. The couple leaves on the honeymoon not really getting to see their friends that have flown in from all over.
Allow me to propose a more reasonable thing to do. Get a sufficient number of witnesses together including a few family members and a few friends. 8 people in total will do. In plain clothes have a justice of the piece sign a marriage certificate in front the witnesses. Put on ring. Go on a honeymoon. Now a month later plan to have an awesome week long party that ends in you wearing a tux and wedding dress and getting really drunk.
People ask me why I don't get married. It's because I don't want to have a wedding. A traditional wedding sounds one of the most excruciating experiences. I don't like making decisions, and I'd have to spend 6 months making silly choices like the frosting on my cake. I don't like wedding cake. Lindsey would have to find something blue. Huh? I don't get it. Weddings are really odd. I don't like being the center of attention in large groups. I usually say that if people have been doing something for a long time it's probably a reasonable thing to do. But spending $20,000 to have a painful 6 months leading up to an even more painful day is a bit over my limit.
I understand that you should have a public ceremony in front of family and friends to make the marriage legitimate. That's logical. Maybe you need to throw a party to convince enough people to come.
I don't really have a reason to get married. If I wanted to have a child soon, I'd certainly get married. If I was going to purchase a house with Lindsey I'd probably get married too. But since I'm not going to do either of those things soon, what's the point of getting married?
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